May 9, 2017
Today begins the second phase of my blog. I’ll begin my going back to August 8, 2016. On that day, I was running a low-grade fever and had some blisters on my legs from edema that was escaping through my skin. I was sitting at the computer and when I stood up to go back into the living room, I fell down. Like the two times before this when I fell down I had to call the fire department to come and pick me up off the floor because I was not strong enough to do it myself. This was due to several things including my obesity and the weakness in my legs from not walking to keep them strong.
When the firefighters arrived, they checked my temperature and decided that I should go to the hospital for an evaluation. I was fortunate they suggested this because once I got to Kaiser I was immediately admitted. To make a long story short the infection in my right leg was septic and for two and a half weeks doctors pumps five different kinds of IV antibiotics into me to kill it. The pain in my right calf was so severe that the slightest touch almost made me go through the roof. I was told I probably would have died had I not sought medical help. My stay in the hospital was followed by three weeks in a rehabilitation facility where they continued to medicate me and try to help me get back on my feet again.
To make a long story short, it has been nine months since I came home and I'm still unable to walk without the use of a walker. Another development is that I stuck my toe about six months ago and it has yet to heal. My podiatrist told me that I have a chance of having the big toe on my right foot if ET and so a lot of prayers have been said to keep this from happening. I cannot express the gratitude I have in my heart for all those who has lifted me up in prayer.
On April 2 this year, I turned 60 and never would have dreamed I would be in such bad physical shape at what is relatively an early age. My wife, Linda, takes great care of me without complaint and my daughter's pitch in when they are here to also help. Anyway, that is all I want to say for now about my poor health because I am certain I have other things I need to say.
As I pondered where this blog would go, I thought it might be a good idea to use my circumstances for two things in particular. The first is to be very open about my life so that other people who are going through their lives with challenges and despair would benefit from my openness. The second, is to help people in some small (or maybe big) way. Only time will tell. I plan to, as I did in my book, write about my upbringing and my family that I hope is interesting, funny and probably sad. Honestly, I like to make people laugh, to entertain and have a need to be transparent. I know this is hard for some people but not for me.
As some of you already know, I am a Christian and I credit the Lord for helping me get through the challenges I have faced in my life. However, I do not want you to think that I am trying to proselytize you because that is not my focus. I do know that Jesus loves all of us no matter how bad we have been in our lives and he wants to be a part of if you choose to do it. He would never force us to: Lord and Savior but he yearns for us to do it. Therefore, I will follow his example of not forcing my beliefs down your throat. I just ask that you read this blog and pass it on to other people if you so choose.
Thank you for reading and I hope you will continue to do so.