As my wife, Linda, babysits our two grandsons while our daughter Holly works, I get to spend a lot of time with them. Judah is five and Joshua is three. These boys remind me of both my other grandsons Luca and Logan as well as my brother Jeff and I. I don't really know if I can be objective about it but I think my observations are accurate in regard to the parallels of these three groups of boys. Of the six, Luca, Judah and I are the oldest. This leaves Jeff, Logan, and Joshua as the younger of the pairs. The oldest boys are, shall I say, more intellectual than the younger ones. That is, the elder boys are able to get the younger ones to do things and often talk them into taking the blame for whatever mischief has been undertaken. The younger boys are tougher and will fight at the drop of a hat. All three of the seconds often seem not to think before they act. They fiercely protect their older brothers when necessary or come to ask the older brother for help when they nee...
Showing posts from June 19, 2017