A Different Christmas This Year

Christmas 2013 This Christmas was very different for Linda and I. Usually, all the kids and grandchildren are here for a couple of days, including Christmas day. This year, Heather and here four were here a couple of days prior to Christmas. Holly, Bryan and Judah were back and forth from their house a few miles away, Meagan came also and we all spent Christmas eve together. We let the grandkids open a couple of presents that evening. Holly started off the crying while she was taking photos of all the goings-on. I asked her if she was crying because she missed Daniel and she said yes. The thought of Daniel made me fondly recall his little smile when he opened a present and saw it was something he really liked such as a knife, a tool of some kind or a gift card to Bass Pro Shops. I told Heather, Holly and Meagan I wanted them to open the present we got for them last and all in unison. That’s when the tears really flowed because inside the packages were quilt tops that Lin...