
Showing posts from August 24, 2013

CHF Again

Eleven months ago I ended up in the ER at Kaiser due to severe dehydration and complications with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). I spent five days there. Two days later, I went back and it was discovered my heart had gone into atrial fibrillation.  Last Saturday, my doctor instructed me to again go to the ER because I was short of breath, easily fatigued and had been gaining weight rapidly. They saw more problems with the CHF and gave be strong doses of intravenous medication to make me purge all that fluid. I stayed three nights and came home Tuesday. I have lost 40 pounds in seven days. I can breathe better, my blood pressure is down and I have more energy now.  I am hopeful that this episode and the weight loss will motivate me to exercise more and continue to lose weight. I would appreciate your prayers for strength and self discipline. Although I am only 56 years old, I feel much older. I’m not afraid to die, but I am petrified at the thought of being a 450 pou...