French Polynesia

I mentioned in a previous post that I have done some traveling. When I was younger, I loved the thought of visiting certain places in the world, something I never dreamed I would do because of the cost, that no one in my family had ever traveld outside the US and my general ignorance about the process. I took my first trip overseas after I was married to Linda and it was somewhat of a surprise how it came about. In 1985, Linda and I, along with our toddler, Daniel, drove up to Oregon to visit various friends we had met in our college days. One stop was in Cottage Grove to see Debbie and Gary Williams and their son Jesse who was close to Daniel's age. Gary and I had been roommates at San Jose Bible College and I recall he sometimes spoke about his travels to Aruba and Tahiti. One afternoon, Gary and I were sitting in his study and our talk turned to Tahiti and how fun it would be for us to go there together. On the spur of the moment we decided to each go and ask the o...