Kevin and Me
A few days ago, I found the below story on my computer which I wrote in 2006 and decided tho post it here today: Twenty-five years ago today, on August 15, 1981, my baby brother, Kevin Dean Faddis, died in a car wreck. He was 18 years old. He would now be 43 and I often wonder what kind of a man that kid would have grown to be had he survived the crash. Not surprisingly, I am in a funk today as I remember that tragic day long ago. I am writing this to help me deal with the blue mood I’m in. “Little Dog” as I called him was a funny, sometimes rowdy, often gentle young man. He called me “Big Dog.” The two of us, along with our middle brother, Jeff, (aka: Jethro Bodeen) did a lot of things together when we were kids. Bodeen has also died (February 2006 at age 46) and thinking about the loss of both my little brothers is hurting me a lot right now. Most of our adventures centered on hunting and fishing. Our mom often drove us down to the Tuolumne River and droppe...