Jeffrey Bert Faddis
Today I offer some reminisces about my little brother, Jeffrey who was 15 months my junior. It would take a book to tell just the stories I know about him, let alone the dozens of those that have been told to me by others. So this will not be the only recounting of his life in this blog, but it’s a start. Most people called him Jethro Bodeen or just Bodeen, and it fit him so well. His true initials were JB (as in Jeffrey Bert) but he was given his nickname by one of his second grade classmates who was not fond of Jeff. The TV show, The Beverly Hillbillies was popular at that time and the kid thought it was funny to dub him Jethro Bodeen because of his manner of talking, his “redneck” behavior and that he appeared to not possess a lot of “book learnin’.” The nickname stuck with him the rest of his life until his untimely demise at age 46. In school, Jeff was enrolled in an EH (educationally handicapped) class. He was hyperactive for which he was prescribed the drug of choice at that ...