Prayer Warrior
On Sundays, the church I attend, Ceres Christian Church, offers people who need prayer to submit written requests regarding their needs. These range from asking God to comfort them, to heal them, to bring unsaved family members to Him, to work in their broken marriages and lives, and for financial help. On Mondays, I call those who have submitted these requests to confirm it was received and advise them the church staff will be praying about that request during the week. There are usually 20-30 such requests each week. Sometimes, I myself pray about some of them. Sometimes, I ask the person on the phone if we can pray together right now and they always agree. So, I offer up a short prayer. But my primary role is to convey that the staff will be covering the request the people have submitted. I have been volunteering to do this little job for a little over a year now. As I made the above calls last night, I began to formulate this post in my head. This past several months, people...