Tim Crownover

February 19, 2013, will mark the one year anniversary of the death of a good friend of mine, Tim Crownover. Tim died. I’ve been told, from a heart attack; however, I do not know the details. Late on the night of February 19, 2012, I was called to the hospital he had been taken to, but he was gone from this life already. I was allowed into the ER where his body lay on a gurney. He did not look dead, only asleep. I held his strong, rough hand and momentarily stroked his hair. It broke my heart that he was gone. I wrote the following words and read them to the packed house at his memorial service: Every person in this room has one or more Tim stories. I have many so here a just a few of mine: I met Tim when we were 10 years old. I moved into the side of town he lived in during the summer of 1966. One day I was walking home from Richland Market down Ninth Street when I passed by his house. Tim and Ron Megee were shooting pool in Tim’s garage. As I walked by, they said hello to me and ...