Who I Am
A couple of nights ago I was lying in bed and was restless, having a hard time drifting off to sleep. I took my iPhone and began to note some of the traits I possess. I didn’t really know why I was writing these things down other than I figured it was something I could write about later and maybe post it here on my blog. So, here are a few of the traits I listed. Granted, it is random but it’s also honest.
Secure and insecure- I’m secure about my faith. I know that Jesus is my savior, that God loves me and that when I die, I will be with Him in heaven. I’m insecure sometimes about where I fit in and what I need to be doing to be useful to others, especially my family.
Big brother- I like being looked up to. I like to tease. I’m a problem solver and want to help the weaker and younger people who look to me for assistance.
Sympathetic- I have a soft spot for those who hurt or are in bad circumstances.
Helpful- I want to do the things I am able to do in order to make the burdens of others lighter.
Critical- I often see stuff about others and/or situations of which I don’t approve and have a tendency to vocalize my criticism instead of staying quiet.
Self-critical- There’s a lot about me that I don’t like, particularly that I am so fat, critical and impatient.
Evangelistic- I want everyone I know to go to heaven and I often share the gospel with others. It’s no secret that I am a Christian.
Logistician- I plan out even the simplest things in my mind. I visualize almost everything. For instance, I see in my mind getting up from my chair, walking to the kitchen, taking the condiments out of the fridge, making a sandwich, pouring my beverage, putting everything back in the fridge and carrying my lunch back to my chair. Weird, I know.
Funny- I see the humor in a lot of things and know how to present it verbally in order to make others laugh. I have good timing and I love to entertain others.
Introverted- As much as I enjoy making people laugh, I sometimes just want to sit in the back of the room and watch what’s going on around me. I sometimes enjoy being a wallflower but it’s not easy when a person is my size. (=
Inappropriately funny- Sometimes I go for the laugh knowing that I really shouldn’t. The satisfaction of saying stuff that others would not dare to, is overwhelming and it’s out of my mouth before I can stop it.
Lazy- I hold my pee until it’s almost too late because I’m too lazy to get up and walk to the bathroom. (See comment above).
Worrier- I invent wild scenarios in my mind such as a loved one being in a car crash or killed my a homicidal maniac if the person doesn’t answer the telephone when I call them a few times and they don’t answer.
Self indulgent- I can’t say no to a chocolate.
A better Grandpa than I was a father- I can now see where I fell short as a father and am determined not to make those same mistakes as a grandfather like playing with my grandchildren or listening intently when they try to tell me something. I’m now much better at having conversations with children than I used to be
Grateful to God for countless blessings- No explanation needed.