I vividly recall where I was on this day 11 years ago when I learned of the attack on our nation. I walked into work that morning and saw several co-workers watching a TV that showed the first plane hit the tower. Our first thought was that it was an accident, but then the second one hit the other tower and a sick feeling hit us that the actions were intentional. It was unbelievable then that this had happened. It still boggles the mind 11 years later.

9/11 also marks a different anniversary for me because it was nine years ago today that my then 19 year old son, reported for duty to the U.S. Navy. This was not by happenstance that he reported on this anniversary of the attack. He and his buddy, Travis planned it that way. I cannot speak for Travis but I knew that Daniel worked it out because it was so important to him. It is also my belief that the 9/11 attack was a big factor in Daniel wanting to join the military.

I recall how proud I was of him for enlisting. Yes, I was concerned about his safety but this was outweighed by everything else. Daniel, like his father, struggled with a weight problem. The Navy recruiter saw to it that Daniel was ready the day he reported. He met with Daniel and Travis (who did not need the extra attention) frequently to run and condition. He was ready physically and mentally to join up.

I cried like a baby when he left for Great Lakes, Illinois and waited impatiently to hear from him. Upon his arrival there he was given a 30 second telephone call home to say he was there. I wanted to hear all about his trip and how everything was going but it was not allowed. He said he had to go and the call was cut off. It was days before we had further contact and not a minute went by that I did not think of him.

According to the Naval Historical Center at the Washington Navy Yard, there is no official motto for the U.S. Navy. "Non sibi sed patriae" (Not self but country), Paratus Et Potens ("Ready and Able"), & Semper Fortis ("Always Courageous"), are often cited as the Navy's motto.

The term "Non Sibi Sed Patriae"(Not self but country) is inscribed over the entrance to the Chapel at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. For this reason it's likely that's where the belief that it's the Navy's motto originates.

Daniel spent three years in the Navy. 22 months of that time he was in the Persian Gulf as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was something he really desired to do and it took a lot of work for him to get into shape. Words cannot express how proud I am of my boy for making this commitment.


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