I cannot yet say I have “turned a corner” regarding my grief. It’s more like I am at the beginning of a big curve in the road and slowly making my way around to the other end. So, I feel I am experiencing some progress. Having never gone through such a trial, I really don’t know what to expect. I look forward to not bursting into tears at the slightest little thing such as hearing a song or seeing a commercial for a TV show that Daniel and I liked to watch. While I know it is okay to do this, it can be unsettling to people who are in the same room as me when it happens. Try to picture all 6’2”, 450 lbs. of me spontaneously exploding into a crying jag. I feel bad for those who have witnessed this. This would be a good gag for a Candid Camera episode, I think.
A Scam
My uncle Jim once told me a story about his brother-in-law, Gene Meredith. The story took place sometime in 60s around Redding, California. Gene owned a two door sedan that was not in the best condition but it was still drivable. One day he took it to a service station to have the oil changed. Changing the oil involves putting the car up on the lift, unscrewing the oil pan drain plug and allowing the oral to run into a container. I need to interject here that Gene Meredith was not a scrupulous person. He was somewhat an outlaw and some people considered him an in savory character. While the mechanic was changing the oil, Gene removed a second drain plug he had in his pocket and set it on a shelf in the shop. The work was completed and Gene drove off in his car. A little ways from the gas station he stopped the car, got out, crawled under the vehicle and removed the drain plug after which, he drove away. Some miles later, the engine seized up and gave up the ghost. Gen...