
Showing posts from June, 2017

Tim Crownover

I first met Tim Crownover when we were 10 years old. We lived in a small town and went to the same school from fifth grade through high school. I remember Tim being mischievous and fun loving. In the fifth grade, we were in Miss Lum's class. Tim got several of us to shoot spit wads at the big clock face on the wall of the classroom. We chewed little pieces of paper, rolling them into tiny projectiles in our mouth and then shot them through the barrel of Bic pens. I believe that Miss Lum was a first year teacher. She was oblivious to most of the antics going on behind her back as she wrote on the chalkboard. By the end of the school year, the clock face was almost completely covered with dried spit wads and she never seemed to notice it. Tim was a very small kid at that time and most of the girls called him Timmy. He was an excellent athlete and could play any sport very well. He was quick on the basketball court, could out run most everyone and went on to become a very good bas
As my wife, Linda, babysits our two grandsons while our daughter Holly works, I get to spend a lot of time with them. Judah is five and Joshua is three. These boys remind me of both my other grandsons Luca and Logan as well as my brother Jeff and I. I don't really know if I can be objective about it but I think my observations are accurate in regard to the parallels of these three groups of boys. Of the six, Luca, Judah and I are the oldest. This leaves Jeff, Logan, and Joshua as the younger of the pairs. The oldest boys are, shall I say, more intellectual than the younger ones. That is, the elder boys are able to get the younger ones to do things and often talk them into taking the blame for whatever mischief has been undertaken. The younger boys are tougher and will fight at the drop of a hat. All three of the seconds often seem not to think before they act. They fiercely protect their older brothers when necessary or come to ask the older brother for help when they need it.